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about the author...
Mark C. Roser
Mark has spent over 40 years in missions, mostly in Africa, where he has pioneered churches, developed a four year Bible college, supported AIDS orphaned, and taught on T.V. and Radio. His books deal with the big questions of life and will help you to trust God more deeply. ​ Each of his books were birthed out of life changing experiences with God and His Word. Mark has a doctorate in Biblical Studies, and is the founder of Uttermost Missions. He is the husband of Pat for 43 years, dad of 4 children, and grandad of 6.

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The comfort and wonder of an all powerful, all knowing, ever present God, directing the affairs of this life, is all but lost in our secular society. We need new thoughts concerning the infinite, majesty of God. What do you believe?Do you believe that bad things just happen to people? Or do you believe that there is not a single event that can occur outside of God’s sovereign control?
This book will help you trust God more deeply. This book was written during the Zimbabwe crisis, and thirteen years before my son died. It has thousands trust God when life blindsides them. God's Sovereignty, Blindsided, and They Asked God Why would be great bundle of 3 books for the price of 2.
A beautiful school teacher (to whom I wrote love letters from Africa) carried her wedding dress across the ocean to marry me when I was a young missionary. This is are Inspiring and challenging memoir, documenting our adventures over the past forty years in war torn Zimbabwe. We alternate writing chapters and take you in first person present tense like you are there, from colonialism to poverty, war, dictators AIDS, and the conversion of the Shona people. Our story will change your view of the world and your place in it. This is also a great addition to Blindsided and They Asked Why as it gives you my family's history and a real, firsthand feel for Ethan's upbring, and the forces that forged his formative years.
This is a comprehensive study of the Book of Revelation. In 1978, the message of Revelation brought me to faith in Christ when I pursuing a degree in law. I wrote so all can understand it. The Unsealed Book covers the five major views of Revelation. It has tremendous stories to illustrate, and answers crucial questions, providing a clear, consistent, and correct Biblical interpretation. It’s a great resource for small group studies and includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter. Have a look insided....
National media called it “A Freak Accident.” Ethan was studying to pastor. Known for his engaging, bubbly personality, my son was unusually trouble-free. God had always protected my family––many times during our long years in Africa. This is my real life account of when tragedy confronts eternity! If you or someone you love has struggled with loss and disappointment, Blindsided will bring hope and healing. The real-life answers I received have helped thousands understand God's tender love in the midst of tragedy and heartbreak! Especially when young lives seem to end to soon. Hundreds of 5-Star reviews by Amazon book readers.
During my decades in Africa, I saw my share, but that question became personal when my youngest son died in a freak accident. As I recorded my grief journey, Blindsided, God answered me. Millions on Facebook viewed its video trailer. Thousands responded. The responses disclosed deep feelings, but what surprised me was that most Christians believe God does not answer “Why?” That led me to investigate Bible people who asked God why. They Asked Why examines Moses, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Job, David, Jesus, and Paul’s why questions. The answers God gave them are profound. I pray that as you read God's answers, it is life changing for you.
When God revelaed this great truth to me as I studied His Word, I lept for joy. It answers major questions like can Satan accuse us before God like Job? Has the Devil's position changed from Old to New Testament? When and why? What difference does it make? Dr. Peter Wagner of Fuller wrote: “I began saying, ‘Wait a minute! I am reading things that I have never read or heard before!’ Questions such as what immediate influence the cross of Christ might have had on the modus operandi of Satan in the invisible world can hardly be considered trivial.”
A Training Guide for The Cleansing of the Heavens is available in a digital format with questions and answers based on the content of the book. It can be used for small group study. If you want the Guide, simply request it by email after you order the book ( and we'll email you the complimentary files.
Blindsided Endorsements
Mark Roser has written a beautiful, poignant book. It made me laugh and cry, feel deeply, and come to terms with that most haunting of questions about suffering, “why, God?”
Suzanne E Shaw, Marriage & Family Therapist, PsyD, MFT
Mark and Pat Roser have spent their lives serving others in Africa, America, and other nations. Mark is a modern Job. You need to read this one for yourself.
Gary Sweeten, Lifeway Counseling Centers
My nephew was grieving the death of his father, and I did not understand the different facets of tragic loss and life-giving answers until I read Blindsided. This riveting book stirred my heart like none other I have ever read. It is a life and death resource.
Debbie Spire
Having lost our precious Kayla in an accident, Mark’s well-crafted book is beyond inspiring. It brought not only flowing tears, but a delight in seeing how God answered his deepest questions.
Julia Kay Duerler, author of She Had No Regrets
"Mark's teaching, humor, and stories stir up a hunger for more. More of the Bible, God , and the life that comes from being in relationship with Jesus. I'm thankful for his work and the insight in each book. I hope that you enjoy his books too.
Douglas Wakumoto
I have given hundreds of copies of God's Sovereignty to people going through various troubles.
I highly recommend you read this book."
Tom Kelly
Missionary Far and Away Missions
"After the Bible, I can honestly say, The Cleansing of the Heavens is the best book I've ever read. You need to read this book."
Pastor Don Leavel
Founder and Senior Pastor, Corpus Christian Church, Texas
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